Thursday 28 July 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Good morning everyone, 

Please go back to yesterday's handout. There are two to three writing tasks that we have postponed. Each one of you is required to pick one of these tasks and write an email or letter to a friend.

After that, get a partner to edit it for you, following the system we had before. 

We are on a mission to help out with the movie project. I'll see you before lunch today.

Dear Lucy,

Do you come back from China? I miss you so much. Yesterday, I attended an interesting meeting. During the meeting, every staff should describe what the success is in your opinion and share one story with other colleagues. I didn’t prepare for it, so I felt very nervous when I heard the topic. My colleagues all did very excellent presentation. One lady who is from Korea talked about one of heroes in her country. She admired him because he sacrificed himself for his country’s freedom. A young man shared the story of himself, how he moved to Canada and adapted to live in this county successfully. I was impressed by a lady from Syria. She had to leave her county and brought nothing with her. Everything built from scratch when she moved to Canada. She overcame many barriers, language, settlement, and all kinds of cultural shock. Then she found a good job not only supported herself, but also sponsored her family to immigrated to Canada. Now, they live in this new country happily and successfully. I think I have gotten full of positive energy from their stories. It's very helpful.

I hope you would come back soon.

Best Regards


Edited by Amin
Do you come back from China? I miss you so much. Yesterday, I attended an interesting meeting yesterday. During the meeting, every staff should describe, what the success is in your opinion and share one story with other colleagues. I didn’t prepare for it, so I felt was very nervous, when I heard the topic. My colleagues all did very excellent presentation. One lady who is from Korea talked about one of heroes in her country. She admired him because he sacrificed himself for his country’s freedom. A young man shared the story of himself, how he moved to Canada and adapted to live in this county successfully. I was impressed by a from lady from  Syria her country. She was forced had to leave her county and brought nothing bring with her. Everything built from scratch when she moved to Canada. She overcame many barriers, language, settlement, and all kinds of cultural shock. Then she found a good job not only supported herself, but also sponsored her family to immigrated to Canada. Now, they live in this new country happily and successfully. I think I have gotten full of positive energy from their stories. It's very helpful.

I hope you would come back soon.

Best Regards


Monday 25 July 2016

Monday's assignment

Good afternoon everyone,

In order to get familiar with the Canadian workplace, there are a lot of things we need to consider. 
Here is a list of business idioms that are taken from this website. Please go over them and try to understand each one’s meaning and then follow the tasks below.

Task one: 
Pick five to six of the following idioms and use them in sentences of your own.

Task two:
Compose a short story about any event/meeting that has happened to you at your previous workplace. Use at least five to six from these idioms n your story.

Take three:
Request two from your peers to check and edit your work before you publish it on your blog.

time’s up--- Doctor Li will retire tomorrow. Today is his time's up.
touch base--- Our team has a new mission in Paris. The commander will touch base with each of us later.
twist someone's arm--- Ali opposed to this plan, so we need someone to twist his arm.

under the table--- Corruption is the severe problem in this country. Many deals are under the table.

up in the air---  Which university he will choose is still up in the air.

uphill battle--- For me, being an archaeologist is an uphill battle. I need to persist on and be diligent.

upper hand--- He’s the upper hand of this field. If you have any questions, you can ask him.

white collar---I n some countries, white collar's salary is much more than blue collar.

win-win situation---I f you teach me maths, I will tutor your English. We will be in win-win situation.

word of mouth--- This company doesn’t need to advertise their product. Its reputation comes from word of mouth.

writing on the wall---  The woman got angry, so her kids knew the writing on the wall.

yes man--- Don't be a yes man. You should tell him what you want.

Edited by Rosie 

time’s up--- Doctor Li will retire tomorrow. Today is his time’s up.
touch base--- Our team has a new mission in Paris. The commander will touch base with each of us later.
twist someone's arm--- Ali opposed to this plan, so we need someone to twist his arm.
under the table--- Corruption is the severe problem in this country. Many trades are under the table.
up in the air---  Which university he will choose is still up in the air.
uphill battle---
upper hand--- He’s the upper hand of this field. If you have any questions, you can ask him.
white collar---I n some countries, white collar’s salary is much more than blue collar’
win-win situation---I f you teach me maths, I will tutor your English. We will be in win-win situation.
word of mouth--- This company doesn’t need to advertise their product. Its reputation comes from word of mouth.
writing on the wall---  The woman got angry, so her kids knew the writing on the wall.
yes man--- Don't be a yes man. You should tell him what you want.

Task two:

It will hold a teaching method contest in our school. Every team is excellent, so the competition is cut-throat. Susan is the upper hand of our team. She assigns task to every member to prepare all kinds materials. It makes sure that we can go ahead of the curve. Last Friday, we talked about our project and presented opinions one by one. Susan always hits the nail on the head. Finally, we revised the project and gave the thumbs up. We believe our plan will catch everybody off guard.

time's up
"Time's up" means that the time for something or someone has ended.
I think his time's up as the CEO. They're going to replace him as soon as they find a suitable candidate.
touch base
To "touch base¨ means to make contact with someone.
Let me make a few phone calls to try to get an answer to your question. I'll touch base with you later today.
twist someone's arm
To "twist someone's arm" means to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does not want to do.
The owner thought the advertising budget was a little high. We had to twist his arm to get him to agree to it.
under the table
Something done secretly (and usually illegally) in the business world is done "under the table."
To avoid paying taxes, they paid some of their employees under the table.
up in the air
If something is undecided, it is "up in the air."
We're looking for a test market right now, but nothing has been decided yet. Everything's still up in the air.
uphill battle
Something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties is an ¨uphill battle.¨
Winning the election is going to be an uphill battle. He doesn't have a lot of support at the moment.
upper hand
If someone has an advantage over someone else, he or she has the "upper hand."
He was more experienced and well respected, so he had the upper hand in the argument.
white collar
A ¨white collar worker¨ is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.) The opposite of a white collar worker is a ¨blue collar worker.¨ A blue collar worker is someone who works with his or her hands (manufacturing, construction, maintenance, etc.) ¨White collar¨ (and ¨blue collar¨can also be used to describe a job, position, or place.
There are mostly manufacturing positions here. There aren't a lot of white-collar jobs here.
win-win situation
A "win-win situation" is a situation where everyone involved gains something.
We were happy to get the contract, and they were happy to get such a good price. It was a win-win situation.
word of mouth
If something spreads by "word of mouth," people hear about it by informal conversation with friends, family members, acquaintances, etc.
A lot of local restaurants rely on word of mouth to get new customers.
writing on the wall
The "writing on the wall" refers to the evidence and clues that something (usually negative) is going to happen.
I'm going to get my resume ready. I can see the writing on the wall.
yes man
A ¨yes man¨ is someone who always agrees with his or her superiors.
The company isn't looking to hire someone who is going to try to make a lot of changes. They're basically just looking for a yes man.

Friday 22 July 2016

Friday's assignment

Listen to that video and then answer the following activities:
Listen to the speakers describing their favourite things and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

1. Preparation: matching

Do this exercise before you listen. Match the verb with the correct noun and write a – g next to the numbers 1 – 7.

1…….. take                                                                                       a. a designer
2…….. listen to                                                                                b. your scooter
3…….. watch                                                                                   c. a business
4…….. stroke (= move your hand gently over something)         d. films
5…….. park                                                                                      e. photos
6…….. make it as (= be successful as)                                         f. the cat
7…….. set up (= start)                                                                    g. music

1--e    2--g   3--d  4--f   5--b   6--a   7--c 

2. Check your understanding: matching

Match the speakers with their favourite things. Write a – e next to the numbers 1 – 5.

1…….. Speaker                   A a. a tablet
2…….. Speaker                   B b. a sewing machine
3…….. Speaker                   C c. a scooter
4…….. Speaker                   D d. a set of knives
5…….. Speaker                   E e. a cat

1--A   2--E     3--C   4--B  5--D

3. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Write the word to fill the gaps.
A. My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It’s really light and quite _____small________, so I take it with me everywhere. I’m always writing to friends and it’s big enough to do college work on it too. It takes really good ______photos_______, and I play games and listen to ________music_____ on it as well, of course. I often download ____films_________ onto it, and watch them in _______bed______. My mum says I’m ___addicted__________, because I’m always on it. I even read things on it at breakfast time. I’m not allowed to at ____dinner_________ time, though. I have to be ____polite_________ and talk to people then. “Welcome back to real life,” my mum says.

B. My favourite thing? Does my ___cat__________ count as a thing? She’s not really a thing, but anyway. She’s a really _____beautiful________ little cat. I’ve had her since she was _____four________ months old. You know how some cats are really ___independent__________ and hardly talk to you? I know cats don’t really talk, but you know what I mean. Well, she’s not like that at all. She’s really _____affectionate_______ and comes up to me as soon as I get home, purring away like mad. She makes a lot of ______noise___ for a tiny thing. She loves being stroked and comes and curls up next to me when I’m on the _____sofa________. She’s great _______companion_____.

C. My new scooter! It’s quite small, but _______fun______, and just what I needed for getting around the ____city_________. I used to have quite a long walk to the ____metro_________, then a longish walk at the other end to get to __college___________. But now I can just whiz there on my ___scooter__________. And there’s no problem parking, there’s always ____space_________ for it. You have to be ____careful_________ with the cars and ___lorries__________ – they don’t always see you – and when it rains the surface of the road is ______terrible_______, it gets really slippery. But in general it’s perfect for me, and I can fit a _______friend______ on the back too – I’ve got an extra ______helmet_______ for a friend. It’s great. Riding along makes me feel so free.

D. This might sound a bit old-fashioned, but my sewing ______machine_______ is my favourite thing. I’m studying ___fashion__________ and love making things, as well as designing them. I also love _____clothing_______ myself and often buy second-hand clothes – everyone loves the “vintage” _________looked____ at the moment – and then I adapt them to my ____size_________. It’s much easier using a machine to do that than doing it by ______hands_______. I do alterations for my mum and my sister too. If I don’t make it as a ______designer_______, I suppose I can always set up my own alterations and customising ____business_________. Customising clothes, by taking things off and adding things on, is actually very ______creative_______, so I wouldn’t mind that.

E. My set of Japanese knives. That sounds a bit sinister, doesn’t it, but I’m not a ____murderer ________ or anything. They’re chef’s knives and the best ones come from ______Japan_______. Cooking is my new hobby. I got into it when I started watching Masterchef on TV. Then I went to an evening ____class_________ for
beginners, and I haven’t looked back since. I try and have a ____dinner_________ for between four and eight_____friends________ every two or three _____weeks________. That gives me something to work towards and I
always do new ____dishes_________ so they can try them out and give me feedback. It’s quite an_____expensive________ hobby if you use good ___ingredient __________, but now my friends help towards the____cost_________. They still get a good _____meal________ for a very low price.

4- What’s your favourite thing?

My favourite thing is my computer.

5- Why is it important to you?
I do lots of things with my computer. It's the bond that I can keep touch with my family and friends. My favourite files and photos all store in it. Definitely, I use it to do my job. I am used to download some documentaries and watch them on it.

6- Vocabulary Box: Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.
