Tuesday 29 March 2016

Tuesday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Hope that everyone had a great holiday. Now back to our work, we are going to learn and practice more about job interviews.

First step, listen to this presentation and answer the following questions.

  1. What are the names of the two presenters?                              
  Jeff and Mike.
  1. How many things did they mention in the first tip? What are they?           
  • Research the company what exactly they do, who competitors they are, and any current events related to this company.
  • Know the job description exactly. 
  1. What does it mean “inside and out”? Use this same expression in a sentence of your own.      
It means all the details of this job, including technical and behavioral requirements.
  1. What is a success story from the presenter’s point of view? Plan one to share with your classmates.                                                                                        
 It is about your past experiences what you highlights achievements and the reflects what your strength.
  1. Why do you need to plan some questions to ask the employer?                      
 In order to show your preparation, your knowledge, and your enthusiasm in this job.
  1. Find a synonym for the word “tailor” in this presentation.                                     Adjust.(adapt)
  2. What did he mean by “what is the position calls for” and “position yourself”? Plan and give related examples.                                                      
Requirements of this job(calling for means looking for )and your qualities for this job.(customize or adjust yourself)
  1. What was the presenter’s advice at he end of his clip?                                    
Prepare the interview questions.
  1. Share any addition tip(s) that you have learnt from this presentation. 

Second, listen to this presentation and answer the following questions.

    1. What is the purpose of this presentation?
    Provide the FAB structure of answering question and how to sell yourself successfully.
    1. Why was the first answer he presented was bad? What does it mean by saying “generic”? Give different examples.

    Because the answer is generic. Generic in the context means normal and everybody can claim like that.
    1. List the tips this presenter has offered.
    • Research the company.
    • Read the job description and the person specification before attend the interview.
    • Speak to the recruitment consultant and the person who organize the interview for you.
    • Use the FAB to answer the questions.
    1. Now, moving on to the practical part. Think of your best fixed qualities. What are the features, advantage(s), and benefits from them to any prospect employer? Follow the same pattern as in the presentation. Prepare and practice your answers to share with your peers. 
            resourceful and knowledgeable in my field. 

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