Wednesday 30 September 2015

Monday 28 September 2015

Friday's Assignment

Here are your tasks:
  1. Find an e-book, an e-audiobook, and an e-video to download.
  2. Role play this dialogue with a partner and make a chirbit.
  3. Leave your feedback on your experience in the LINC program in the comment section here.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play this dialogue with a partner and make a chirbit.
  2. Think of your next career, and browse this site. Then discuss your findings with a partner.
  3. How do you feel about what's going on in some government jobs?

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Energy Conservation

There was a presentation in class of level 5-6 this morning. The topic is Energy Conversation. We joined them to listen to the presentation.
The reporter is Miss Lisa. First ,she displayed a picture about the hurricane which took place in 1954 in Canada. She told us the importance of energy saving through this picture. She said there will be many disasters if we don't protect our environment. We should save energy, save water, plant trees, make green spaces for wild animals.

Then she told us the laws of energy and different energy.

The laws of energy:
The theories from Einstein -----
1. Energy can not be created or destroyed.
2. Energy can change from one to another.
3. Energy will be less and less available for further work.
These laws tell us why we should save energy.

Energy transformation:
chemical --motion    radiant--chemical  etc.

Different energy:

Renewable energy
Solar energy
Wind energy
Hydro energy---hydroelectric energy. Construct  dam cross the river, transform water energy to electricity. It's harm to the fish and cause flood at the above of above river.In front of the dam is dangerous whether fishing or swimming.
Geothermal energy---Get energy from underneath the earth. It's clean and quiet. A new energy.
Biomass energy---from plants, garbage etc. Maybe causes air pollution.
Ocean energy

Nonrenewable energy
Fossil Fuels---Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear energy. They are less and less. Exploiting and using will cause the air pollution, water toxic, radiation.

We should  use the renewable energy as much as possible.

After that ,she told us the ways about home energy use. We played a game.It was to order how many watts the appliances consume per hour. The result was  surprising.The least energy using are slow cooker and washing machine. The refrigerator is the less one. The  most one is clothes dryer.  She also told us bewaring of the phantom energy at home. We should  pull out the charge when we don't need. Because it will consume the electricity . We should use the surge protection.

Finally, she told us some energy saving tips. They are useful. We should buy the appliance which has logo -Energy Star. We should buy the LED bulb. The most important one is when we should use energy. She gave us a chart about the price of the electricity at different time in one day in summer and winter.We can save money if we don't use electricity in rush hour.

The presentation lasted about two hours. We have got  important information. We know how to save energy ,how to protect environment ,how to save money. It is a  high impact presentation.

Monday 21 September 2015

Monday's Assignment

If you thought of job-search resources, you're right!

Here are your tasks:
  1. Do these exercises on Job Futures Websites: 123456
  2. Learn the following vocabulary, and then take the crossword quiz at the bottom:

provides  learn  is  help look  find   affect   include   search

Main duties: Retail sales representative  at SWAROVSKI CANADA LTD.
  • Greet customers and discuss type, quality and quantity of merchandise or services sought for purchase, rental or lease
  • Advise customers on use and care of merchandise, and provide advice concerning specialized products or services
  • Estimate or quote prices, credit terms, trade-in allowances, warranties and delivery dates
  • Prepare merchandise for purchase, rental or lease
  • Prepare sales, rental or leasing contracts and accept cash, cheque, credit card or automatic debit payment
  • Assist in display of merchandise
  • Maintain sales records for inventory control
  • Operate computerized inventory record keeping and re-ordering systems
  • May conduct sales transactions through Internet-based electronic commerce.
Educational requirements: Different companies and different regions have different requirements about education.Some employers need license or the other certificates.
  • Completion of secondary school may be required.
  • A university degree or college diploma may be required by some employers.
  • Specific subject matter courses or training may be required.
  • Demonstrated sales ability and product knowledge are usually required for retail salespersons who sell complex or valuable merchandise, such as automobiles, antiques or computers.
Work prospects 
hourly wages:$12 
unemployment rates:4.8%
Interesting facts:
relate occupations 

Friday 18 September 2015

The Trip to the Farintosh Farm

Here are this afternoon's tasks:
Write a trip report of the Farintosh Farm visit. Include pictures from Facebook. Check with a partner for any typos before posting. Then comment on your classmates' blogs.

When I heard we would have a trip to Farintosh Farms on Thursday, I was excited. I like farm . When I was a child , I had a dream to be a farmer in the future.The dream was gone,but the trip would  be exciting.
We got into car pool at 10.A.M,then went to the farm. Joseph drove his car and told us some details about the farm . He mentioned the airport  we passed by.  About 20 minutes later ,we arrived .
The farm is not big . It plants many kinds of vegetables, like beans ,cucumbers, eggplants , pumpkins etc. We were permitted to enter two fields. Wendy ,Hong and I decided to pick beans.At first ,we picked the green beans .By experience, the green one would be delicious .It can be cooked with meat .Until we met Meizi,  She told us we should pick the red one.We hesitated .Hong asked the staffs who work at farm.They told us the recipe of this kind of bean .They peel the shell of bean , only cook and eat the seeds.The red one is good ,the shell should be thrown.Oh, my GOD.Originally, we thought we could cook the whole bean including the shell. It is so funny .
We spent two hours on the farm and left 12.P.M. Maybe I'd like to stay there  the whole day next time.


Friday's Assignment

Here are your tasks:
  1. Compare federalprovincial, and municipal job opportunities
  2. What is similar/different about them--requirements, rewards, etc.?
  3. What jobs do you  

It's so sad.I didn't find the job what I want to do .

No jobs found.
You may want to:
  • expand your search criteria
  • ensure that any job title entered is in the same language as the search page

Results 0 of 0 

Search Results
There are no openings matching your search criteria at present. Click here to view all current job listings, or visit again soon for updates.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Planningtrip to Farintosh farm

Here are your tasks this afternoon:

  1. Finish this morning's work, all of it.
  2. What’s in season? Discuss your harvest and purchase strategies for Farintosh Farms. Create a dialogue among three friends on the farm. Record on


A. Do you know which  vegetable are in season?

B.Let me check on internet. Hey, look ,there are many vegetables in season, including corn, bean, broccoli, tomato etc.

A:Can we buy some of them in the farm?

B:Of course, you can. What kind of  vegetable will you buy?

A:I want to buy pumpkin ,squash and beans .

B: Why do you want to buy pumpkins?

A: Because the Halloween is coming, I want to prepare to make Jack-O-Lantern for my daughter.

B: It's great. How many pumpkins do you want to buy ?

A:Two. I have two daughters. Is the pumpkin organic ?

B:  They are expensive. I promise all of these   vegetables are made in our farm. These  vegetables are organic .

A: Are there fruits in your farm?

B:Sure.We have apples, watermelons, cherries etc.

A:I want to buy watermelon. What time is  your farm opened?

B:It's opened from Tuesday to Sunday,from 8:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M . Welcome to our farm.


Wednesday's Assignment

What big event is happening in Canada on October 19? Explore this page and discuss.

Find the pictures of the major parties and their leaders. Use Google Images.

Choose one leader, and think of why you like or dislike that person, (e.g. "My favourite politician is So-and-So. He is so handsome/strong/tall. I agree with ..."). Use 5 - 6 sentences, and practise saying them to a partner. Record your sentences on

Then add headlines to relevant news about them from Google News.

There will be a election of federal government .Canadian Prime Minister will be chosen on October 19.

There are three parties in Canada:


the logo  of Conservative .

the leader of Conservative----Stephen Harper


logo of Liberal 

the leader of Liberal ----Justin Trudeau


Signal of NDP

the logo of  NDP---Thomas Mulcair


I don't know three parties in detail .Intuitively,if I have right to vote,maybe I will choose Harper.I saw the news in Metro that Harper stopped the deficits,Canada has the surplus after six years .Everyone worries about Canadian economic .We need job ,money ,good life .I believe Harper can do it.By the way ,I dislike Liberal because of  John Tory--mayor of  Toronto.He  promised many things before he has been a mayor.But prices are higher after he is the mayor of  Toronto.I heard the TTC ticket price will be risen again .It's a bad news.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Tuesday Afternoon's Assignment


Canada is a huge country .Each community has unique needs and interests.three levels ,has own representative

federal: responsible for entire country , handle all matters of national and international concern, national defence,foreign affairs, currency,ocean , prime minister, MP,the house commons in ottawa

 provincial or territorial :responsible for provinces or territoties. regional issues .education,housecare,natural resources ,transportation ,highway.premier ,MPP.Ontario ,legislative,Queens Park in Toronto.

municipal: responsible for cities and towns.interests ,save power from provincial .local matter.library,waste removal,city transit ,parks. councillors .

A Trip to Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation

Here are your tasks:
  1. Complete your trip report on our visit to Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation.
  2. Listen to this recording at least twice, taking good notes.
  3. On a blank sheet of paper, draw a chart of the levels and responsibilities of the Canadian government.
  4. Check your chart with at least two partners. Then take pictures of the chart.
  5. Compare your work with this video.
  6. Publish your chart, notes, and these instructions on your blog.

A Trip to Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation

My classmates and I went to visit Durdy Bayramov Art Foundation last Friday with our teacher Joseph. Durdy Bayramov is a famous artist in Turkmenistan.His daughter -Keya has been  Joseph's student.We are glad to have the chance to be invited. 

 We got there at 10 A.M. Keya and staffs had already waited us .She introduced her father's works room by room.We saw many amazing works ,espcially many portraits.They are so impressive.We understood him and his family through these works ,we knew the difference between painter and artist .Though I have no any talent about art ,I feel the charm of his works. The visit was ended 12P.M.  I must say  I will go there again if I have time. Thanks Durdy Bayramov leaving  these precious legacy .Thanks Keya and staff showing these works.Thanks Joseph giving the opportunity .


Monday 14 September 2015

Here are your tasks:
  1. Do this exercise on the Government of Canada.
  2. Browse this website, and compare it to the previous one. Discuss any similarities and differences with your partner.
  3. Think about other governments around the world. Then add a quick comparison to the government in the country you came from.
  4. Leave your comment on the field trip to Durdy Bayramov museum on our blog and on their FB page.

3.No,there are three territorial governments
4. No,it is queen of British.

6. constitution 
8. representative     
10. Democracy      
11. Elect  
12. laws

Good afternoon! So here's what we're doing this afternoon:
Take dictation of this Chirbit audio: 0:00 - 1:52. Be sure to check your transcript with a partner, and read it back to each other before posting.

Canada is located in the northern part of the North American continent .It extends from the Atlantic  to the  Pacific.Canada is the second largest country in the world .It adjoins the U.S.Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories .Ottawa is the capital of Canada.It is the part of the province of Ontario.Similarly,Washington D.C is the capital of the United State  of America.Also ,Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China. Toronto is the largest city in Canada.It is on the  northwest side of the Lake Ontario.In downtown Toronto,there is a tower called the CN Tower.The CN Tower is 553.33 meters high.CN stands for Canadian National. Canadian National is a railway company.It provides  train  services in Canada and U.S.The CN Tower is the landmark of Toronto.In the same way ,Big Ben is the landmark of the London .Also the Eiffel Tower   is the landmark of Paris.Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada.It is a coastal city and a major seaport on mainland of southwestern  British Columbia.Vancouver is on the peninsula.In 2010,the Winter Olympics were  held in Vancouver.

1.Is Canada  the largest country  in the world ? No,it isn't .It's the second largest country in the world.
2.What is the capital of Canada? It is Ottawa.
3.Does Canada adjoin the U.S? Yes ,it does.
4.Is Vancouver on the island ?No ,it isn't.It is on the peninsula.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Earlier :10 requirements and 10 rewards

 Here are your tasks:

  1. Read and identify 10 requirements and 10 rewards from this ad
    1. Discuss your eligibility with 2 to 3 classmates before publishing your lists. 
    2. Respond to your classmates’ postings.
  2. Tell a partner what you did during the last 2 weeks. Take notes of your partner's report.

10 requirements:

1 .Safety conscious
2 .Frontline  customer service experience.
3 .Capacity of communication.
4 .Flexible schedule work.
5 .Ontario Drivers Licence, Class “G”
6 .Grade 12 Secondary School Diploma or the equivalent
7 .Large commercial vehicle driving experience
8 . Experience  or capacity to learn knowledge of disability services.
9. Customer focused
10 . Sound judgment

10 reward

1 . competitive wages
2 . Healthcare
3 . Dental plans
4 . Group Life Insurance
5 . Pension Plan.
6 . Disabilities accommodation
7 . the starting hourly wage is $25.03
8 . The progressive hourly  wage  is up to $32.67
9 . Training
10 .Holiday (annual leave and vacation)

September 10 : a role play

Teacher’s assignment :

1 Ask about directions to gate E-72.
2 Pet poodles allowed.
3 Handbag strap broken- repair shop
4 More questions

My partner and I make a role play,there is our answer:

A: What’s my best bet from here to gate E-72?
B: You can walk along this aisle ,then turn right ,go straight on it ,then turn left ,you can find the gate on the right .
A: Can I bring my pet poodle with me?
B: The policy is that you should put your pet in a pet carrier.
A: Oh, by the way ,my handbag strap is broken ,where is the repair shop?
B: Look ,I’m just a check-in agent .I don’t know where the repair shop is?
A: Relax.I just want to know a simple answer .Please don’t jump on me.
B: Well .I think you have a line of 5 people behind you.
A: Really ? I think I should put my pet in a pet carrier first.
B: Hope you’ve got some answers for now .Good luck.