Tuesday 22 September 2015

Energy Conservation

There was a presentation in class of level 5-6 this morning. The topic is Energy Conversation. We joined them to listen to the presentation.
The reporter is Miss Lisa. First ,she displayed a picture about the hurricane which took place in 1954 in Canada. She told us the importance of energy saving through this picture. She said there will be many disasters if we don't protect our environment. We should save energy, save water, plant trees, make green spaces for wild animals.

Then she told us the laws of energy and different energy.

The laws of energy:
The theories from Einstein -----
1. Energy can not be created or destroyed.
2. Energy can change from one to another.
3. Energy will be less and less available for further work.
These laws tell us why we should save energy.

Energy transformation:
chemical --motion    radiant--chemical  etc.

Different energy:

Renewable energy
Solar energy
Wind energy
Hydro energy---hydroelectric energy. Construct  dam cross the river, transform water energy to electricity. It's harm to the fish and cause flood at the above of above river.In front of the dam is dangerous whether fishing or swimming.
Geothermal energy---Get energy from underneath the earth. It's clean and quiet. A new energy.
Biomass energy---from plants, garbage etc. Maybe causes air pollution.
Ocean energy

Nonrenewable energy
Fossil Fuels---Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear energy. They are less and less. Exploiting and using will cause the air pollution, water toxic, radiation.

We should  use the renewable energy as much as possible.

After that ,she told us the ways about home energy use. We played a game.It was to order how many watts the appliances consume per hour. The result was  surprising.The least energy using are slow cooker and washing machine. The refrigerator is the less one. The  most one is clothes dryer.  She also told us bewaring of the phantom energy at home. We should  pull out the charge when we don't need. Because it will consume the electricity . We should use the surge protection.

Finally, she told us some energy saving tips. They are useful. We should buy the appliance which has logo -Energy Star. We should buy the LED bulb. The most important one is when we should use energy. She gave us a chart about the price of the electricity at different time in one day in summer and winter.We can save money if we don't use electricity in rush hour.

The presentation lasted about two hours. We have got  important information. We know how to save energy ,how to protect environment ,how to save money. It is a  high impact presentation.

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