Thursday 28 January 2016

Thursday's assignment

WHMIS Lesson Questions

Hello everyone,

To help me determine whether or not you have understood our lesson on Workplace Safety in Canada please complete the following activities. Please remember to ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

 Activity 1

Watch this video and write a summary of the video in 1 paragraph which includes the 5 points below. I'm looking for what connection you can make between the video and what you've learned about your rights and responsibilities in terms of safety as a worker in Canada.

1) What the incident that occurred was
2) What Clera did wrong (regarding working a new machine)
3) What Clera should have done
4) Your rights and responsibility for safe work in Canada
5) How the video made you feel overall


Activity 2

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

1) Does the worker know that there are hazardous materials around him - Yes/No?
2) What category does the hazardous material fall under?
3) Using this image (click here), what are some basic handling procedures for the category you chose in question 2.
3) Was it wrong for the boss to rip up the employee's suggestion to get safety cabinets? Why or why not?
4) How did the employee make his workplace a safer place to work?

 Activity 1
  Clera worked at a factory. One day, her coworker Jame didn't show up. The supervisor asked who can replace Jame to do his job. Clera asked for. She needed to use a new machine to cut boards, but she has never used this machine. She didn't train for this job before, either. Her coworker Lisa found the situation. She warned Clera it was wrong and dangerous to do this work without training. But Clera thought she watched Jame's work many times, she knew how to do. Finally, Clera's fingers were cut by the machine. She injured.
Clera should train before she accepted to do this work. The supervisor was wrong because he didn't ask her if she did this work before or train. When she found she didn't know how to use it, she should refuse to do. She can't lose job because of not doing hazardous task. And Lisa should report the potential danger to her supervisor. If they did anyone, the tragedy will be avoided. Clera made a right decision. When she injured, she sought treatment and reported accident immediately.
In Canada, refusing to do dangerous task is your right. The manager should protect every worker to avoid danger in workplace. Of course, workers should know and participate what is danger and how to avoid it in workplace. After all, the health and the safety are important.

Activity 2
  1. Yes, he does.
  2. The hazardous materials in his lab fall under flammable and combustible material.
  3. Because these material can cause fire even explosion, deal with them in correct procedures. Keep away from heat. Don't smoke. Keep the container dry and cool. Reserve in special fire-proof area.
  4. Yes, he was. When his employee found the safety problem and advised, he should accept and solve it. He should keep the workplace safe and health.
  5. Before working, employees should check his workplace and make sure it's safe. When employees find the workplace is danger, they should report the problem to their manager or supervisor. If the situation doesn't change or the problem isn't solved, refuse to work until everything is ok.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Task 1:
Click on that link and answer all the phrasal verbs (1 to 8) and prepositions exercises (1 to 10). You can check your answers once you are done and by that you will learn them better. Don’t stop until you get ALL the answers correct. You are free to answer more stuff as you wish.
Task 2:t
Write a short story on anything you want to share with the class; you have to use at least 10 phrasal verbs and 10 preposition that you have just learnt on your story.

He had been a English teacher. He'd like to be a tycoon. He resigned from school and began to draw up his business blueprint. He set up his goal and carried on it though some people mocked him. He brought 17 persons in his plan and headed up this team. He kept up with the technical development and established a E-Commerce company. He invested in all his money. He even run out of his money, but he didn't give up. He and his team went through sorts of difficulties, then they succeeded after 10 years. 
His commercial kingdom is taking off. His company brings in hundreds billions dollars annual. The branches are all over the world. He becomes one of the richest person. He sits in the important international conferences. He is one of the symbols of  this era. He is Jack Ma.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 Tuesday's assignment

Task 1:

Read the following adjectives for emotions and identify which words describe a positive, neutral or negative feeling. Write down (p) next to the word to mean positive, (n) to mean neutral, and (na) to mean negative. If necessary, look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary. Some words may fit into more than one category.

Ambivalent (N)
Overwhelmed (N)
annoyed (NA)


Content(P) (NOUN)



Task 2:

The list above contains adjectives to describe emotions. Where possible, change them into nouns.

Task 3: 
Choose five of the emotions from the list above. For each emotion, describe a situation you have experienced that made you feel this way.

I was optimistic after I graduated from university and got my MA. I thought it was easy to find a job in my field. After having a few of interviews, I felt frustrated. The institutions and museums were more likely to recruit men instead of women, because the field excavation is a hard and tough job. I had to change my job objective. If the job related to my major, I can accept it. One day, a high school HR contacted me. They were looking for a history teacher who had history and archaeology background. I was ambivalent about this job. On the one hand, I found a job can support me. But on the other hand, I didn't want to be a teacher. Finally, I was determined to choose the former. When I was hired, I didn't feel disappointed but a little thrilled. 

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Dealing with Culture Shock

Task 1:

Write a two-three paragraph essay describing your experience with culture shock, then list the ways you have personally done or will do or overcome it. Try to answer these questions:
  1. Did you know about culture shock before?
  2. How did you feel about reading on that topic?
  3. Was learning about culture shock in class helpful for you?

Task 2:
Write an email to a friend here advising him/her on how to move on from Stage Two to Stage Three. List all the suggestions or recommendation you can propose to them.

Task 1:
Today, we learned culture shock. I even thought this article was written for me. It expressed what I went through.
When I decided to come Canada with my husband, I realized we would confront many challenges. I lost my job and left my parents and my friends. But when I came to here, the difficulties are beyond my imagination. I got very severe homesick. I can't endure fast foods. I can't speak to anybody except my husband because I have no friend here and my English is bad. I felt hopeless. I wanted to go back. But my husband was here, I had to stay with him. I should face the reality. I made a plan for myself. First of all, I must conquer the language. I applied for LINC School. I met a good teacher and made friends in the class. They shared their experience in Canada. People have the same background and the similar problem as me. They told me how they deal with these difficulties. I learned a lot. I don't like complaining, but  talking with my close friend occasionally is a good idea. Don't do that all the time. 
I like my major though I can't make a living on it. I feel very happy when I'm staring at these culture relics. So I will go to museum when I'm upset. I have already been to more than 10 museums in Toronto
Now, I begin to accept and want to fit in this country. I'd like to go to college and learn what I'm fond of. 
 Task 2:
 Dear Hui:
We talked about culture shock today. I know I'm in stage 3 now. You wonder how I move on stage 2 to stage 3, don't you? I will give you some advice including my classmates' experiences.
 First, make you busy. Learning something or reading book is a good choice. I borrow many children books from a library. 
Second, make friends. Don't stay at home. Go to community centre or go to LINC schools. You can meet some immigrants who have the same background to you. Talking with them, you will get lots of information
Third, do what you want to do.
Fourth, focus on the good thing. Don't always complain and depend on yourself. Open your mind  to look for the positive aspect.
If all these suggestions can't work, be pregnant. Then you find, it's no longer enough only 24 hours in a day.



Tuesday 19 January 2016

Tuesday's assignment

workplace culture cartoons, workplace culture cartoon, funny, workplace culture picture, workplace culture pictures, workplace culture image, workplace culture images, workplace culture illustration, workplace culture illustrations

Good morning, everyone,

How to Work Well in Canada is our theme this week. Trying to observe and understand culture is like trying to observe and understand an iceberg. Anyone who is either looking for a job or starting out a new job will require some time to figure out the expectations, culture, and customs of any or prospective workplace.

Task 1:

Look up the meanings of the vocabulary words below.
Aggressive                                     equality                                       rituals  
Annoyed                                       minimize                                       task
Collaborative                                 oblivious                                     valuable
Customs                                         promptness                                values

Task 2:

Use at least five of these vocabulary words to write an email to a friend describing to him/her the Canadian culture.

Task 1:
  1. aggressive---offensive. competitive. energetic.   (median)
  2. equality--- being equal. justice. fairness     (positive)
  3. ritual---etiquette. procedure or system of religions  (median)
  4. annoyed---angry. irritated   (negative)
  5. minimize---to reduce to the smallest or shortest. (median)
  6. task---assignment. work. (median)
  7. collaborative---worked or accomplished by two or more persons or group together  (positive)
  8. oblivious---unaware. unconcerned.   (negative)
  9. valuable---worthy. very useful and important   (positive)
  10. customs---a habitual practice. traditional habits. conventions (median)
  11. promptness--- quick or alert behavior (positive)
  12. values---worth.  (positive)
  13. embarrassment---a feeling of shame, awkwardness (negative)
 Task 2:

Dear Hui,
 I have been in Canada for one year. When I came to this country, I was oblivious of  Canadian rituals and customs. People always say hello to me "How are you going today" politely, but I don't know how to answer. I even thought it was very boring.  But now, I know it's Canadian ritual and customs. And in Canadian company, the tasks are collaborative. You should work with your team to accomplish it. Meanwhile, the value is also different. Life is the most important thing. The manager is supposed to minimize the hazard in workplaces, or they will get trouble.