Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

While much of our public library consists of clicks, we're going to make a visit this Thursday to the bricks:

What caption would you write here?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary and pronunciationVisiting a Library
    1. Identify 5 new/difficult words/terms
    2. Make sentences using those words, and have a partner check your pronunciation of them
  2. Do this listening exercise: Library Tour
  3. Watch this video, and identify 3 things/places you hope to see.
  4. Role play with a partner what you hope to see on Thursday’s field trip and make arrangements to meet. Practise once, and record your chirbit

     local paper
     check it out
     hours of operation
     library clerks
     reference desk
     fiction stacks
     check out
     right away
     right then
     step up to the counter
     due date
     three weeks from today
     scan the bar code 
No.1    TD Gallery                               No.2   Marilyn & Charles Baillie Special Collections Centre       No.3     Bram & Bluma Apple Salon         No.4  Norman G.Himton Learning Centre

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