Thursday 3 December 2015

Thursday's Assignment

Good morning! Having seen the historical and popular Christmas, how about the commercial one?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Boxing Day Sales
    1. Do it aloud.
    2. Practise with a partner aloud.
    3. Record a chirbit.
  2. Group writing of 3 sentences each: 1. Graph 1 2. Graph 2.
    1. Make sure to discuss in a group of 3 or 4.
    2. One person will write down a list of 6 points.
    3. One will talk about Graph 1 while the others help.
    4. Another will talk about Graph 2 while the others help.
    5. If there's a fourth team member, that person will check the writing by sitting next to the writer.
  3. Copy out the headline and subheads of this article.

  1. Graph 1:
    From 2009 to 2011, the Real-Time Sales on Cyber Monday increased year by year. The first peaktime came at about 11 a.m.,and the second one was about 7 p.m.. There was a rebound after 9 p.m..

    Graph 2:
    Before 8 a.m., the Real-Time Sales on Black Friday is higher than Cyber Monday. After that, Black Friday goes to the contrary. But Cyber Monday still keeps on the top volume till night.
    headline IBM online retail survey shows healthy m-commerce growth on Cyber Monday         subheadsCyber Monday becoming more mobile                                                                                 Apple devices the mobile shopping tool of choic    

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

So, besides Christmas, which we've looked at over the last couple of days, what else do Canadians celebrate? Imagine being Santa Claus and arriving in a home that doesn't celebrate Christmas:

Why is this picture funny? Identify some of the objects you see in this picture.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa
    1. Learn the vocabulary, using a good online text-to-speech resource. Can you recommend one?
    2. Then do the usual, practising speaking aloud and getting a partner to practise with.
    3. Do you think it's ok to mix up various traditions? With your partner, write a 10-line dialogue using the vocabulary you have learnt. Feel free to include a chirbit.Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Graphic
  2. Listen and take notes: Hanukkah for Kids.
    1. Discuss in groups of 4 or more how historical Hanukkah is.
    2. Publish your findings.

  1. Jewish celebrates Hanukkah. They play dreidel. They light menorah for eight days. They eat delicious foods, like potato pancakes, doughnuts, bimuelos etc. The foods are deep fried with olive oil. They play dreidel with coins. The dreidel has four sides. Every side has different meaning and colour. Jewish put the coins in the middle of the ground, then spin the dreidel. When it stops, they can earn or loose coins through which side is displayed.  
  2. A:Hi, Howard, we will hold a big party on Christmas Eve. Would you like to join us? 
  3. B:  For what? Celebrate Christmas?  
  4. A:  Certainly. Sheldon and I hope you can take part in. 
  5. B:  I'm afraid I can't. You know I'm a Jewish. We have our traditional festival in December named Hanukkah. We light candle on the menorah and eat deep fried food and play dreidel.
  6. A:  Don't you want to get present? Santa will send gifts for us on Christmas. And we have decorated a beautiful Christmas tree. There are many your favorite Teddy Bears.                               
  7.  B:  I appreciate your guys very much. I'm sorry I can't go. 
  8.  A:  Relax, bro. We live in multicultural country. We celebrate diverse festivals. In fact, we observe Christmas as a secular holiday. We also plan to celebrate Kwanzaa with our African classmates.    
  9. B: Thank for inviting me. Maybe you think different traditions can mix, but I don't think so. Different traditions keep different nations and nationalities heritage. It's difficult to change. By the way, if I participate your Christmas party, my mother will kill me. Haha. 

Monday 30 November 2015

Monday's Assignment

Christmas Is a Wonderful, Secular Holiday

Santa Claus, Old Saint Nick, Rudoph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Postal Code H0H 0H0 ... what have these to do with Christmas?

Actually, a lot, just not the historical one, like the name Quirinius. Check out the sixth line of the tablet below--do you see part of the name of the Roman governor named Publius Sulpicius Quirinius?

Unbeknownst to him, and perhaps you've just seen his name for the very first time, Quirinius played an important role in the historicalChristmas! But in what way?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Dictation from Chirbit: 1:50 - 2:56 (Answer: Video link will come alive later)
    1. Check your transcript with a partner.
    2. Let your teacher know you have published.
    3. Wait for the announcement to refresh your browser.
  2. Compare the story with the original document. Take notes, and then discuss any similarities and differences.
    1. Why do people wish each other a Merry Christmas?
    2. How is the celebration different in other countries?
    3. Share in a group of three or more.

  1. Dictation:  AFTER--- Joseph and Mary settled down and there among the animals, Jesus was born. They wrapped the baby up in warm clothes and laid him in the manger filled with straw. Meanwhile, on the hills outside of Bethlehem, some shepherds who were watching over their sheep noticed a bright light in the sky. They had never seen anything like it before, and they were afraid. An angel appeared and told them not to be frightened. Instead, they should be happy since a very special baby had been born who was the son of God. The shepherds went to Bethlehem to see this special baby.
  2. BEFORE--- Joseph and Mary settled down and there among the animals Jesus was born. They wrapped the baby up in warm clothes and laid him in the major field with straw. Meanwhile, on the hills outside of Bethlehem, some sheperds who were watching over their sheep noticed a bright light in the sky. They had never seen anything like it before, then they were afraid. And angel appeared and told them not to be frightened. Instead, they should be happy since the very special baby had been born who was the son of God. The sheperds went to Bethlehem to see this special baby.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

What should fathers do in the home? Mothers? Kids? Do you believe in clear gender roles?
Discuss with a partner what might be a good caption here.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Being a Stay-at-Home Dad
  2. Using the vocabulary learned, write 6 sentences describing family roles and responsibilities in your country of origin.
  3. Cross-check with a classmates before publishing.
  1. I lived in a traditional Chinese family. My father was the breadwinner of our family. My mother was a housewife. She took care of us and educated us to be a good person. Nowadays, the family role is changed up and is more different than our parents' generation in China. Because of higher pressure including buying house, raising children, and looking after seniors, most of young couples must all go out to work, especially the wives. They not only work like men but also do lots of household chores. Some husbands can help their wives doing housework and taking care of child, but some do nothing after they come to home. And a stay-at-home dad becomes popular. I'm not a feminist, but I don't mind being the breadwinner of my own family in the future.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

So, here's something to do before some of you move on to Workplace English ... Was it hard coming to Canada? Is it hard trying to become a citizen?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Watch this video, and take dictation from 0:52 to 1:34. Then listen with a partner, and make corrections before publishing.
    1. In the article, locate the six bullet points listing changes in immigration policy.
    2. In a group of 3 or 4, discuss these points.
  2. Create a short instructional on the appeal process for family sponsorship. Read and record a chirbit in your voice for your partner oftheir writing from Monday morning's assignment. Allow them to publish the audio link on their blog, and vice versa.

Canada is a part of the North American (Free) Trade Agreement.NAFTA is very important to us. Our relationship on this continent with the U.S.A and with Mexico has been soured over ten years of Stephen Harper who does not get along with the American president and who has strange relationship with Mexico to extremely high degree.We need to ensure that Canada is a country that is accepting refugees who are fleeing persecution from all sorts of different places around the world for all sorts of different reasons. We are committed to working to ensure that those applications process in responsible and in a speedy fashion. But we know there are other ways of doing that, then, simply slapping Mexican visa does hurt Canadian tourism and hurt the relationship with our continent partner and quite frankly hurt our economic growth with NAFTA. Canada needs to do right by our continental neighbors and part of that removing the visa restriction on Mexican citizens.

Monday 23 November 2015

Monday's Assignment

What's your family like? Immigrants often travel as families or try to reunify their families at a later time. What is the process for sponsoring family members to Canada? We start on the weekly theme of family relationships with the following flowchart:

Chart: Sponsorship Appeal Process
What do the acronyms CIC, IAD, and IRB stand for?
Here are your tasks:
  1. CLB 5 R Interpret a simple chart to explain a familiar government process (such as how a law is passed). Write 8 or more sentences about how the above process works.
    1. Try to use passive verbs in the present tense, e.g. If your application is accepted, you do not need to reapply, or Next, the appeal is considered by the CIC.
    2. Check your sentences with a partner before posting.
  2. Compare this process with that in your country of origin. Add 2 - 3 sentences. What are some major differences?
Dear friend,
I'm sorry to hear your family reunion application was refused. Don't be depressed. You should try again. First, you file an appeal to IRB after your application has been refused for 30 days. Then, your appeal will be considered by IAD and be sent to ADR. If your appeal is dismissed, you should wait for 30 days and apply again. If your appeal is accepted, there are two results. Your family members' PR visas are denied or granted by CIC. If granted, congratulations. If denied, the same to the last step, Wait for 30 days and apply again. Good luck.

Best Regards


Dear friend,
I heard you want to apply for family reunion to Canada. I have experience about it. I will tell you about the process. First, you must ensure you have a qualification of sponsor. You should be honest when you fill these forms. Then you prepare the files what CIC needs, including many forms about your family members' situations, photos, even the chatting record of your family on internet. The files should be sent to CIC. Of course, you should pay from $1000 to $2000. After that, you should have waited for several months. If your application is accepted, your family members' passports should be sent to Canadian embassy in your original country. Your family members will be given visa. Finally they can come to Canada. If your application is refused, don't worry. You can file an appeal to CIC after 30 days. E mail me, if you have questions.

Best Regards


Here's this afternoon's tasks:

  1. Role play: Roles within the Family
  2. Google to identify the historical background of “the prodigal son,” “scapegoat,” and “lion’s den.”
  3. Exchange notes with at least 2 classmates.
  4. the prodigal son: It's from religion story. Contemporary meaning- Person is who leaves home and spends and wastes lots of money without family agreement. Then he goes back to ask for forgiveness.
  5. scapegoat: It's from religion story and legend. Person is who is blamed and punished due to others' sins.
  6. lion's den: It's from religion story. It means the place where is very dangerous.

Friday 20 November 2015

Friday's Assignment

Do you expect your future employer to offer exactly the salary you imagine getting?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Negotiating Salary
  2. Write a trip report of yesterday’s Job Fair. 
    1. Write down 5 experiences/facts about the job fair, e.g. who you talked to the longest, any pattern you noticed about employers/job hunters.
    2. Update your list with 3 other classmates before drafting.
    3. Check your drafts with 3 other classmates before publishing.
      1. What are the best ways to use your editing checklist?
      2. Did you learn anything while checking for your classmates?
    4. Add pictures/videos to your trip report.
    5. Write comments on at least 3 classmates' reports.

trip report:
  1. I talked with the representative of evaluation organization for a long time. They can evaluate certificate, diploma, and degree oversea. The fee is lower than WES.
  2. I saw several colleges were introducing their programs.
  3. There were many non-profit institutions who can offer immigrant services, such as LINC, job searching, women supporting.
  4. A few companies can offer jobs.They need PSW, cleaner, receptionist,driver.
  5. The security and police office offered the positions for youth.  
  6. The rain stopped and it was a warm day. I felt exciting because our class had a trip to go to job fair. We carpooled with Joseph as usual. The job fair has already begun when we arrived there. I noticed there was a institution who can evaluate diploma, degree, and certificate. I asked a few questions to the representative. He explained patiently. He told us the importance of evaluation in Canada and the fee. I found the fee was less than WES. I got the institute website. I would search it after I went home.
    I saw several colleges were introducing their programs including Senica college. My classmates asked a lady how to get the entrance if their English was not strong. I had the same problem. It seemed we must get to ESL 6-7, then we can take upgrading courses before entrance. It's too hard.
    We took picture at 11 A.M, then left there. William drove us to go home. Thank for Joseph and William.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

What are some important terms in a job interview?
Here are your tasks on the language of employment:
  1. Role play: Practise aloud at least 3 sets of dialogue.
  2. Practise one of them with a partner, and create a youtube wefie together.
  3. Make sure you have registered for tomorrow’s job fair.

Interview Dialogue

A: We reviewed your video resume and traditional resume. Would you like to tell us your experience in U.S.A?

B: OK. I have been a editor for 5 years in TIME, and I wrote many exclusive reports for magazine and newspaper. I led our team to  complete many difficult tasks. In order to get the firsthand information of Tsunami, I have even been to Japan.

A: It's great. Could you mind running by your qualification?

B: I graduated from U of T. I got Literature B.A and Master Degree.

A: Good. What's your biggest weakness?

B: I always try to be ahead of the curve. My colleagues said I had a lot of ideas and sometimes they didn't understand.

A: Be ahead of the curve? Fantastic! It is just we need! Do you have any questions about our press?

B: Hmm, yes. If you couldn't hire me, can I be a volunteer here?

A: I think I can't answer your question right now. You will be briefed if you call back a few days later.

B: Thank you for interviewing me. See you.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role Play: Preparing Your Video Resume
  2. Take dictation from 0:32 - 0:41 of this video, check with a partner, and then record your own Youtube introduction.

  1. Dictation:    Hi, my name is Jen. I'm currently seeking opportunities in retail fashion. Thank you for taking time to review my resume. Please do get in touch. That's it!

Monday 16 November 2015

Monday's Assignment

Monday's Assignment

You have your LINC/ESL e-portfolio here. But what does your career portfolio look like? Tell a partner what you would put in it and what you wouldn't.
Welcome to this week's theme on employment and job interviews in preparation for this Thursday's field trip!
Here are your tasks:
  • We start with this quick survey to review what you've learnt last week--on the theme of A Child's Education. Please post your answers under Comments below:
    1. This week I learned to _________________________
    2. I can use this when I ________________________
    3. I can do it well.  I can do it with help.  I can’t do it yet. 
    4. The learning activity I liked best was ___________________
    5. I want to do more __________________________
                  1. Role play: Your Professional Portfolio
                    1. Practise by yourself, 
                    2. with a partner, and then 
                    3. before your teacher, before 
                    4. recording your chirbit.
                  2. Follow these Resume Wizard instructions. Invite 2 or 3 classmates to provide mutual suggestions.

                  This week I learnt to classify the classmates at school in Canada.
                  I can use it when I talk about the difference of child education between Canada and China.
                  I did it with my classmates at LINC school.
                  The learning activity I liked best was  English conversation.
                  I want to more speaking and listening.

                  Thursday 12 November 2015

                  The Trip and The feedback

                  Thank you, Joseph.

                   I participated the Remembrance Service on Tuesday. This is my first time to take part in the activity. Yucho, Meizi and I arrived George Western Recital Hall at 10:30 by subway. We took photos as our memory. The ceremony began at 11 o'clock. I saw many veteran wore military uniform and carried many kinds of flags on the stage. The orchestra was consisted of students. They played Canada National Anthem. All the attendants  stood up and sang. When I heard the last post by playing bagpipe, I felt very sad. We kept two minutes silence for mourning. Although I didn't understand the lament completely, I can understand the sadness. Many organizations and institutions dedicated wreaths. The process of the ceremony was solemn and dignified. Solute to all the soldiers.

                  Thursday's Assignment

                  In your country of origin, when do people tell their kids about the birds and bees? How do they do that? Is it mainly done in school or at home?
                  Did you know the idiom?
                  Here are your tasks:
                  1. Role play: Describing Bodies
                  2. Read, think about, and discuss this report.
                  3. In which grades is homophobia discussed in this document? Use Ctrl-F to find keywords.
                    1. How is Canada's sex education compared to that in your country of origin?
                    2. Discuss this with a partner from a different country. Take notes.
                    3. Record on chirbit a group discussion about the similarities and differences as well as how you feel about what it should be like in Canada.
                    4. Listen to another group's chirbit and leave a comment.
                  4. Write a brief trip report about yesterday's Remembrance Day Service. When did you arrive, what did you see, who did you talk to, and how did you feel? Add picture

                  2. There is a big change about sex education in China. The parents didn't allow their children to talk about the sex 20 years ago. If the children asked the question about sex, the parents would warn them not to ask the similar questions. Of course, the parents couldn't answer it. The children would feel embarrassed and ashamed when someone talked about this topic. And there were no special curriculum for sex education at school, although the teacher handed out the books about sex. Read at home by yourself. But now it's changed. Children can learn sex education curriculum at school. The parents also pay attention to the sex education. Some parents teach the children sex knowledge. They tell their children where the babies come from, the parts of human body, and what the children should take care etc. Neither teachers nor parents could teach the children how to prepare sexually activity, what the homophobia is. It's very early and not appropriate. 

                  Tuesday 10 November 2015

                  Tuesday's Assignment

                  How do students classify themselves in their country of origin? Do they have a term for poor or rich students? Or smart or silly ones? Or fat or skinny ones? How do you feel about calling or being called a name? How's the situation here in North America? Have you talked to a schoolkid in Canada lately?
                  Nerds, goths, and Jocks? Take a look, in images and videos!
                  Here are your tasks:
                  1. Vocabulary: Getting Childcare
                    1. Listen, and work on pronunciation--speak out loud. (If you need text-to-speech, try these resources.)
                    2. Read aloud while a partner checks your pronunciation.
                  2. Role play: Types of Students
                  3. Take dictation from 2:23 through 3:05 of this video.
                  4. Using 10 of the words/expressions you learnt today, write an email to a friend overseas about school life in Canada.
                    1. Begin your email with "Hi __________, Long time no see!"
                    2. In the first paragraph, write 3 sentences describing the children and the culture in Canadian schools.
                    3. In the second paragraph, write 3 sentences describing your thoughts and feelings.
                    4. Don't forget to sign off.


                  So it talks about building sexual activity into a child's personal plan, but it's through 13-year- old kids. Why are we telling the 13-year old kids it's appropriate to make plans for sexual activity. It's actually illegal for 13-year- old kids to have sex. It's called  statutory rape. Why would we tell them that they can make a plan to do so. And this isn't a political opinion. This is called instruction. Evidence based instruction. This isn't about science, about facts. This is about encouraging and activating children attend years become sexually available. It's called grooming. I'll read you some more.


                  Hi Hong,

                  Long time to see! Do you know the children classify their classmates at school in Canada? They call the classmate nerd who is good at studying, especially science and games are outstanding. It'll be popular if someone is called nerd, jock, and goth.
                  There was classification when we were at school. It is uncomfortable if you belong to none of them. Then there might be bullying if you look like weak. Do you agree with me?

                  Best Regards


                  Monday 9 November 2015

                  Monday's Assignment

                  Welcome back to school! What do you think are some differences between an adult's and a child's education? Tell a partner your answers, and then tell another partner your first partner's answers.

                  Does this remind you of coming to the LINC program?

                  Here are your tasks:
                  1. Role play: Staying Home from School
                  2. Role play: Coming Home Late
                  3. Identify pages in this document on helping your child with bullying, ongoing support for learning, and parent-teacher interviews. Find one more area of help and make a list using the Numbered List button.


                  1. bullying: Page 52-57             
                  2. ongoing support for learning: Page 41
                  3. parent-teacher inteview: Page 39
                  4. evaluating student progress: Page32-37

                  Friday 6 November 2015

                  Friday's Assignment

                  Imagine that you had an unforgettable tenant named Jimmy. How much would you ask Jimmy to leave as a deposit for renting your apartment. What would you do if Jimmy left a big hole in the kitchen wall and damaged your stove, refrigerator, and living room carpet?
                  Will Jimmy get his deposit back?
                  Here are your tasks:
                  1. Reading and discussion with a partner: CLEO on Damage and FMTA's FAQ.
                    1. Share with your partner one surprising finding from each document.
                    2. Write a short email of about 50 words of your own advising a friend on what to do in a tough situation as a tenant.
                  2. Role play: Getting the Deposit Back
                  3. What does the term "tenant  from hell" mean? Skim this article, check out the pictures, and discuss with a partner.

                  1. Even though I'm a month-to-month tenant, I should give my landlord 60-day notice if I'm going to move out. And I know it's different between deposit and security deposit.
                  2. Dear Julie, sorry to hear you have trouble with your landlord. If I were you, I would tell your landlord not to quarrel with her husband midnight. They should solve their problem when you aren't at home. If they still do that, give them a notice. The last way is to move out.