Tuesday 10 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

How do students classify themselves in their country of origin? Do they have a term for poor or rich students? Or smart or silly ones? Or fat or skinny ones? How do you feel about calling or being called a name? How's the situation here in North America? Have you talked to a schoolkid in Canada lately?
Nerds, goths, and Jocks? Take a look, in images and videos!
Here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary: Getting Childcare
    1. Listen, and work on pronunciation--speak out loud. (If you need text-to-speech, try these resources.)
    2. Read aloud while a partner checks your pronunciation.
  2. Role play: Types of Students
  3. Take dictation from 2:23 through 3:05 of this video.
  4. Using 10 of the words/expressions you learnt today, write an email to a friend overseas about school life in Canada.
    1. Begin your email with "Hi __________, Long time no see!"
    2. In the first paragraph, write 3 sentences describing the children and the culture in Canadian schools.
    3. In the second paragraph, write 3 sentences describing your thoughts and feelings.
    4. Don't forget to sign off.


So it talks about building sexual activity into a child's personal plan, but it's through 13-year- old kids. Why are we telling the 13-year old kids it's appropriate to make plans for sexual activity. It's actually illegal for 13-year- old kids to have sex. It's called  statutory rape. Why would we tell them that they can make a plan to do so. And this isn't a political opinion. This is called instruction. Evidence based instruction. This isn't about science, about facts. This is about encouraging and activating children attend years become sexually available. It's called grooming. I'll read you some more.


Hi Hong,

Long time to see! Do you know the children classify their classmates at school in Canada? They call the classmate nerd who is good at studying, especially science and games are outstanding. It'll be popular if someone is called nerd, jock, and goth.
There was classification when we were at school. It is uncomfortable if you belong to none of them. Then there might be bullying if you look like weak. Do you agree with me?

Best Regards


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