Monday 16 November 2015

Monday's Assignment

Monday's Assignment

You have your LINC/ESL e-portfolio here. But what does your career portfolio look like? Tell a partner what you would put in it and what you wouldn't.
Welcome to this week's theme on employment and job interviews in preparation for this Thursday's field trip!
Here are your tasks:
  • We start with this quick survey to review what you've learnt last week--on the theme of A Child's Education. Please post your answers under Comments below:
    1. This week I learned to _________________________
    2. I can use this when I ________________________
    3. I can do it well.  I can do it with help.  I can’t do it yet. 
    4. The learning activity I liked best was ___________________
    5. I want to do more __________________________
                  1. Role play: Your Professional Portfolio
                    1. Practise by yourself, 
                    2. with a partner, and then 
                    3. before your teacher, before 
                    4. recording your chirbit.
                  2. Follow these Resume Wizard instructions. Invite 2 or 3 classmates to provide mutual suggestions.

                  This week I learnt to classify the classmates at school in Canada.
                  I can use it when I talk about the difference of child education between Canada and China.
                  I did it with my classmates at LINC school.
                  The learning activity I liked best was  English conversation.
                  I want to more speaking and listening.


                  1. It's so weird. I made a comment for Joseph's blog under your comment. But I can't find that after I published.

                  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
