Friday 23 October 2015

Friday's Assignment - Janice

Obesity- fattness,overweightEpidemic-  diseases infecting and spreading on controlWeight- body's massEliminate-get rid of ,remove completelyConsume-eat,drink or digest food or drink, exhaustHarmful-not good for somebody ,sth cause dangerBest interest-sth good for youImpact-affect strongly, influenceNutrition-total Antioxidants-sth good for ages

Please read the article. Summarize the four unhealthy habits in your blogs.

Four unhealthy habits:1. Lack of exercises makes your body mass and your heart gotten problem.2. Eating unhealthy food and too much make obesity and the risk of diseases, eg heart diseases, type 2 diabetes. It can shorten your lifespan.3. Smoking can cause cancer.4. Unbalance diet can shorten your lifespan.

My unhealthy habits:1. Unbalance diet: I don't like eatting meat and milk. I have low blood pressure problem. 2.Lack of physical activity: I have never done exercises every day. 

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