Thursday 25 February 2016

Thursday's assignment

Part 1:

We are still working on our Power Statement. Click on this link to help you create your profile.

Task 1:
As discussed in our class, use the ten points accomplishments you have accomplished in your profession life and create your ‘Power Statement’ now. 

  • I organize and manage students and there are more than 30 students in my class.
  • I always pay attention to details while dealing with artifacts.
  • I teach others including my students and give clear  instructions for the audiences who visit the museum.
  • I write dissertations and edit my students' papers and more than 50 books in my spare time.
  • I arrange and specify  the artifacts.
  • I'm good at finding the connections on different artifacts.
  • I can accept the innovation quickly.
  • I'm proficiency in using internet and multi-media.
  • I get on well with my colleagues even though I have worked in different company and schools.
  • I'm a good listener and a patient person.

Task 2: 
Click on this link and create your own profile. Make sure to use your "Power Statement" to impress employers!

Task 3:
After creating a profile, try to connect with at least ten from your classmates together with your instructor today. 

Part 2: 

During our Health and Well-being Session, a lot of new words were mentioned. Here is a table with the majority of the new ones, take your time and follow the tasks below in order to nail this vocabulary down.

Task 1:

Fill in the following table and you can add any more vocabulary that you have caught during the session. The first one was partially done for you.
Word structure
Cope with
Phrasal verb
face and deal with something successfully
Our manager coped with the emergency calmly which took place in this morning.
Walk-in clinic
phrasal noun 
a clinic doesn't need to make an appointment and enter into anytime.
I go to walk-in clinic when I'm sick because I have no family doctor.
I remind myself to stop procrastinating and strive to accomplish today's task. When I come to school, I totally forget it.
of relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgement, understanding(ability)
It depends on children's cognitive whether they can accept this phenomenon.
of human's body
He no longer  did any physical jobs after he was injured in an accident.
Vigorous intensity
phrasal noun
high intensity
Marathon is a kind of vigorous intensity sport and needs high endurance and insistence.
Moderate intensity  
phrasal noun
medium intensity
It's necessary to do some moderate intensity physical activity more than twice every week.
choice can replace something
We don't have to eat meat in order to get protein, because there are hundreds of alternatives.
Second hand smoking
phrasal noun
smoking from burning tobacco products, for example cigarettes
This organization advocates  refusing to breathe second hand-smoking.
Thomas is looking for methods to quit smoking.
considering or estimating your situation again
When you fail again and again, it's an alternative to redesign your goals after reappraisal of your ability.
quiet thought
I like Yoga, because meditation makes me feel very peaceful and comfortable.
Dealt with
phrasal verb
solve problems
As a housewife, Jenny deals with many things: kids, house chores, groceries. She feels exhausted every day.
Shout out
phrasal verb
say something in very loud voice.
One way to release stress is shouting out in empty field.
ability to recover or flexibility; endurance

the ability to do well
According to his capacity, he is absolutely competence in CEO position.
attitude of being hopeful or focusing on good aspects
The scientists discovered that optimism is the important factor of longevity.
Bounce back
phrasal verb
become healthy, happy or successful again
He forgot his trouble and bounced back  through two weeks' journey.
review or retrospect
Mr Johnson does a recap of his  work and writes down the feedback every evening.
basic dimension


Task 2:

Write a quick paragraph to share how you benefited from the session. Use the following questions to guide you in your writing.
  • Did you have stress in your life?
  • Are you able to identify which level your stress is at?
  • What did you do to reduce it?
  • Share some strategies that you have tried and worked with you with your peers. 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Tuesday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Task one:

In order to get familiar with the Canadian workplace, there are a lot of things we need to consider. Click on this link and follow the instructions given. 

Task two:

Here is a list of business idioms that are taken from this website. Please go over them and try to understand each one’s meaning and then follow the tasks below.
Pick five to six of the following idioms and use them in sentences of your own.

Take three:

Compose a short story about any event/meeting that has happened to you at your previous workplace. Use at least five to six from these idioms n your story.
Request two from your peers to check and edit your work before you publish it on your blog.

Today is Ms Lee time's up. She will retire. Lee is a knowledgeable and experienced teacher in our school, so she has the upper hand in the teaching process for many years. She is also a strict teacher. When her students see her serious face, they see  the writing on the wall. The principle is going to hire another one to replace her, but it is still up in the air. He wants to recruit someone who is a yes man.  

time's up
"Time's up" means that the time for something or someone has ended.
I think his time's up as the CEO. They're going to replace him as soon as they find a suitable candidate.
touch base
To "touch base¨ means to make contact with someone.
Let me make a few phone calls to try to get an answer to your question. I'll touch base with you later today.
twist someone's arm
To "twist someone's arm" means to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does not want to do.
The owner thought the advertising budget was a little high. We had to twist his arm to get him to agree to it.
under the table
Something done secretly (and usually illegally) in the business world is done "under the table."
To avoid paying taxes, they paid some of their employees under the table.
up in the air
If something is undecided, it is "up in the air."
We're looking for a test market right now, but nothing has been decided yet. Everything's still up in the air.
uphill battle
Something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties is an ¨uphill battle.¨
Winning the election is going to be an uphill battle. He doesn't have a lot of support at the moment.
upper hand
If someone has an advantage over someone else, he or she has the "upper hand."
He was more experienced and well respected, so he had the upper hand in the argument.
white collar
A ¨white collar worker¨ is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.) The opposite of a white collar worker is a ¨blue collar worker.¨ A blue collar worker is someone who works with his or her hands (manufacturing, construction, maintenance, etc.) ¨White collar¨ (and ¨blue collar¨can also be used to describe a job, position, or place.
There are mostly manufacturing positions here. There aren't a lot of white-collar jobs here.
win-win situation
A "win-win situation" is a situation where everyone involved gains something.
We were happy to get the contract, and they were happy to get such a good price. It was a win-win situation.
word of mouth
If something spreads by "word of mouth," people hear about it by informal conversation with friends, family members, acquaintances, etc.
A lot of local restaurants rely on word of mouth to get new customers.
writing on the wall
The "writing on the wall" refers to the evidence and clues that something (usually negative) is going to happen.
I'm going to get my resume ready. I can see the writing on the wall.
yes man
A ¨yes man¨ is someone who always agrees with his or her superiors.
The company isn't looking to hire someone who is going to try to make a lot of changes. They're basically just looking for a yes man.