Monday, 22 February 2016

Monday's assignment

National Occupational Classification

The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is a system of organizing information about occupations in Canada. Every occupation in Canada has a NOC job description, which provides listings of the main duties, employment requirements and job titles. These descriptions are identified by a four-digit code called the NOC code.
Knowing the NOC code for the job you are interested in can make online research easier and quicker. This is because many job search services organize their job listings and occupation information by the NOC code. Here’s how the NOC code works:
• The first number identifies the sector. There are 10 sectors in total (0–9). For example, 0 refers to management occupations, while 6 refers to sales and service occupations.
• The second number refers to the level of education or training the job requires (1–6). Generally:
1 requires a university education
2 or 3 requires a community college or apprenticeship training
4 or 5 requires a high school diploma and/or job-specific training
6 usually requires a short demonstration or on-the-job training
• The third and fourth numbers refer to specific occupations within the sector.
In the example on the right, the 2 refers to the sector Natural and Applied Sciences; the 1 means it generally requires a university degree; together, the code 2146 is the code specific to aerospace engineers. Because the NOC groups occupations that are similar to each other, it is easy to find information about occupations that are related to your occupation of choice. This can be useful if you cannot find a job in your occupation and want to broaden your job search.
Locate the NOC website ( 

Task 1:
List the 10 sectors that the first digit of the NOC code refers to. In small groups, brainstorm three occupations for each sector.

Task 2:
Think of an occupation you would like to enter in Canada (either as a survival job, or in the occupation you are trained for). Which of the above sectors is this occupation in?
 ideal occupation: archaeologist

Task 3:
Find the NOC code for an occupation that interests you. Read the NOC description for this occupation.       
a) How many Major Groups are listed in this sector? What are they?
Archaeologist. NOC is 4169. 
Five major groups are there.
  1.  Professional occupations in education services 
  2. Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services
  3.  Paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community and education service 
  4. Occupations in front-line public protection services
  5. Care providers and educational, legal and public protection support occupations

b) What types of occupations are within this Major Group (represented by the three-digit code)?

1. Read the example titles in the NOC description. Do you think knowing these titles can be useful in your job search? How?
Yes. Through these examples I can know some specific occupations in this group. Comparing with these occupations, I can choose which one is suitable for me. And I can extend my searching range so I can also find some occupations related to my field.
2. Read the main duties in the NOC description. List the duties you think are most relevant to this position.
Archaeologists study artifacts (objects and structures) to reconstruct past economic, social, political and intellectual life.
 First of all, you should have Master Degree or Doctor Degree if want to apply this occupation. Then you should have crucial skills.
Independent to accomplish your job and teamwork: In general, a square unit of an exploration needs two or more persons to do it. Everyone should do different part of job. One is responsible to draw, the other one to measure or clear up. You should finish your job independently and cooperate with your colleagues efficiently.
Knowledgeable and scrupulous: Excavation and researching are complicated. You can't miss none of details and keep the materials as entire as possible. You should be careful and careful, and have sharp judgement. This factor derives from your knowledge. You can use it to analyze the fundamental conclusion at the spot of the excavation.
Excellent writing skills: You have to write report about the excavations and papers of your opinion. You should explain the process and express your researching conclusion.
Task 4:
Prepare a short presentation for the class about this occupation. Include related job titles, main duties and employment requirements.

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