Friday 5 February 2016

Friday's Assignment

Task 1:

Listen to two people talking about looking for work. Click on this link  and answer the questions below.

1. Place a check-mark beside the job search activities Rosa carried out:

  *         Visited an employment centre

 *     Spoke to a job counsellor

 *           Looked at job postings

  *        Analyzed her own skills

     Participated in mock interviews
 *  Attended job search workshops

     Read newspaper classified ads

2. What three things did Rosa learn at the workshops?
  • Learn how to search and find job available.
  • How to write resume.
  • How to do well at job interviews.
3. Rosa mentions two ways to write résumés and cover letters that she learned. What are they?
  • Get good advice from the counselor and use the internet to find information.
4. What advice does Rosa have for Gita about preparing for interviews?
  •  Figure out her skills and pays to be prepared.
5. What advice would you give Gita about looking for work?
  •  Communicate with your friend and exchange the information about searching job. Catch the Job Fair information from different ways.
Task 2:

A-  Click on this link and listen to a job seeker describes his job search. Discuss the following.

1.     What problems did this job seeker face?

  He found a few information about his job from job search papers and government websites. Though he found the job information, on one was nearby his home.
 He can't find job of Mater Baker.

2.     What information would have made his search more effective?

 Talk to employer directly or search the job relating to his occupation.

B-   Think about your job search. What information or services do you think would help you to find a job? With a partner, make a list. In small groups, compare your lists.

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